SAVE THE DATE: 2025 U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Luanda, Angola
At the IMF Investor Meeting: Angola's Economic Outlook event in Washington, D.C., held on October 24, Florie Liser, President & CEO of the Corporate Council on Africa, shared that earlier that day in Angola, H.E. President Lourenço announced the dates for the 2025 U.S.-Africa Business Summit! The Summit will be held on June 22-25 in Luanda, Angola, bringing together more than 1500 U.S. and African public and private sector leaders including African Heads of State, Ministers, key USG officials and CEOs and senior executives of U.S. and African businesses. “As President and CEO for Corporate Council on Africa, I for one, am extremely excited to be hosting the next U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Angola next June– highlighting the significant opportunities for U.S. trade, investment and business not only in Angola but across the African continent,” says Florie Liser.