High-Level Dialogue with Judd Devermont
On Thursday, September 8, 2022 CCA hosted an off-the-record discussion on the Administration’s sub-Saharan Africa strategy with Judd Devermont, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council. Given the tremendous upside economic potential of implementation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), and impact of the global supply chain / food supply / health crises, as well as ongoing conflicts on the continent, coordinated U.S. leadership in African engagement is more vital than ever. Mr. Devermont, who led development of the new Africa strategy prior to assuming his current duties, welcomed observations and suggestions from CCA members regarding core elements vital to private sector-led economic development through increased U.S. - Africa trade and investment partnerships, including U.S. government posture and programs needed to strengthen American competitiveness. The discussion included Mr. Devermont’s insights on the preparations for the U.S.-Africa Leaders’ Summit and Business Forum in December.